Created on Thu Sep 6 13:34:32 2018 By Simoneta Cano de las Heras

Adapted by Mariana Albino, October 2024

Aerobic fermentation model (S. cerevisiae)#

This model describes an aerobic batch S. cerevisiae fermentation. It uses Monod-Herbert expressions to describe the kinetics of the process. It can take into account the metabolic heat produced by the cells, in which case a PID controller is used to maintain a stable temperature

Package import#

This portion of the code handles the import of all the relevant python packages.

#import the necesary packages

from scipy.integrate import odeint
#Package for plotting
import math
#Package for the use of vectors and matrix
import numpy as np
import array as arr
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
import sys
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter
import glob
from random import sample
import random
import time
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import plotly
import json
import pandas as pd
ModuleNotFoundError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[1], line 3
      1 #import the necesary packages
----> 3 from scipy.integrate import odeint
      4 #Package for plotting
      5 import math

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'scipy'

Model definition#

The model is defined by using a class. This has several adavantages, one being that different classes can be defined independtly, e.g., one class represents the model definition while another will handle parameter optimization with experimental data. The same “optimization” class can be used with different model classes, so the code becomes more easily reusable.

The class Monod_Herbert includes several functions, each with a specific function.

  1. init This function initialises the model class by defining all the relavant parameters and initial conditions.

  2. rxn This function includes all the model equations. The model uses matrix notation to define the ODEs

  3. solve This function generates the timesteps for solving the ODEs. It includes an approach for when the “CONTROL” option is turned OFF and an approach that solves a PDI controller for temperature control, for when the “CONTROL” feature is ON.

  4. create_plot This function stores the results of the simulation on a dataframe which is used for plotting all relevant variables.

class Monod_Herbert:
  #initialise the model
    def __init__(self, Control=False):  #change to Control=True if you want to see the effect of Temperature control
         # define value of model parameters
        self.Y_XS = 0.8
        self.Y_OX = 1.05
        self.y_x = 0.5
        self.mu_max = 1.1
        self.Ks = 0.17
        self.kd = 0.08
        self.kla = 1004
        self.O_sat = 0.0755

        #define initial conditions
        self.G0 = 18
        self.O0 = 0.0755
        self.X0 = 0.01
        self.V0 = 40

        #define parameters for control, default every 1/24 hours:
        self.t_end = 30
        self.t_start = 0
        self.Control = False
        self.coolingOn = True
        self.steps = (self.t_end - self.t_start)*24
        self.T0 = 30
        self.K_p = 2.31e+01
        self.K_i = 3.03e-01
        self.K_d = -3.58e-03
        self.Tset = 30
        self.u_max = 150
        self.u_min = 1

    #define the stoichiometric matrix
    def rxn(self, C,t, u):
        #when there is no control, k has no effect
        #when cooling is off than u = 0
        if self.coolingOn == False:
            u = 0  #flow of cooling water
      #define temperature controller
        if self.Control == True :
            #Cardinal temperature model with inflection: Salvado et al 2011 "Temperature Adaptation Markedly Determines Evolution within the Genus Saccharomyces"
            #Strain S. cerevisiae PE35 M

            #How is the growth rate of the organism affected by the changes in temperature
            Topt = 30
            Tmax = 45.48
            Tmin = 5.04
            T = C[4]
            if T < Tmin or T > Tmax:
                 k = 0  #growth rate
                 D = (T-Tmax)*(T-Tmin)**2
                 E = (Topt-Tmin)*((Topt-Tmin)*(T-Topt)-(Topt-Tmax)*(Topt+Tmin-2*T))
                 k = D/E

        #number of components
        n = 3
        m = 3
        #initialize the stoichiometric matrix, s
        s = np.zeros((m,n))
        s[0,0] = -1/self.Y_XS
        s[0,1] = -1/self.Y_OX
        s[0,2] = 1

        s[1,0] = 0
        s[1,1] = 1/self.y_x
        s[1,2] = -1

        s[2,0] = 0
        s[2,1] = self.kla
        s[2,2] = 0
        #initialize the rate vector
        rho = np.zeros((m,1))
        ##initialize the overall conversion vector
        rho[0,0] = self.mu_max*(C[0]/(C[0]+self.Ks))*C[2]
        rho[1,0] = self.kd*C[2]
        rho[2,0] = self.kla*(self.O_sat - C[1])

        #Developing the matrix, the overall conversion rate is stoichiometric *rates
        r[0,0] = (s[0,0]*rho[0,0])+(s[1,0]*rho[1,0])+(s[2,0]*rho[2,0])
        r[1,0] = (s[0,1]*rho[0,0])+(s[1,1]*rho[1,0])+(s[2,1]*rho[2,0])
        r[2,0] = (s[0,2]*rho[0,0])+(s[1,2]*rho[1,0])+(s[2,2]*rho[2,0])

        #Solving the mass balances
        dSdt = r[0,0]
        dOdt = r[1,0]
        dXdt = r[2,0]
        dVdt = 0
        if self.Control == True :

             dHrxn heat produced by cells estimated by yeast heat combustion coeficcient dhc0 = -21.2 kJ/g

             dHrxn = dGdt*V*dhc0(G)-dEdt*V*dhc0(E)-dXdt*V*dhc0(X)

             (when cooling is working)  Q = - dHrxn -W ,

             dT = V[L] * 1000 g/L / 4.1868 [J/gK]*dE [kJ]*1000 J/KJ

             dhc0(EtOH) = -1366.8 kJ/gmol/46 g/gmol [KJ/g]

             dhc0(Glc) = -2805 kJ/gmol/180g/gmol [KJ/g]

            #Metabolic heat: [W]=[J/s], dhc0 from book "Bioprocess Engineering Principles" (Pauline M. Doran) : Appendix Table C.8
            dHrxndt =   dXdt*C[4]*(-21200) #[J/s]
            #Shaft work 1 W/L1
            W = -1*C[4] #[J/S] negative because exothermic

            #Mass flow cooling water
            M=u/3600*1000 #[kg/s]
            #Define Tin = 5 C, Tout=TReactor
            #heat capacity water = 4190 J/kgK
            Tin = 5
            #Estimate water at outlet same as Temp in reactor
            Tout = C[4]
            cpc = 4190
            #Calculate Q from Eq 9.47
            Q=-M*cpc*(Tout-Tin) # J/s
            #Calculate Temperature change
            dTdt = -1*(dHrxndt - Q + W)/(C[4]*1000*4.1868) #[K/s]
            dTdt = 0
        return [dSdt, dOdt, dXdt, dVdt, dTdt]

    def solve(self):

        t = np.linspace(self.t_start, self.t_end, self.steps) #generation of the time-points

        #solve if Control is OFF:
        if self.Control == False :
            u = 0
            C0 = [self.G0,  self.O0, self.X0,self.V0, self.T0]   #initial conditions vector
            C = odeint(self.rxn, C0, t, rtol = 1e-7, mxstep= 500000, args=(u,)) #solve ODEs

        #solve for Control ON

            PID Temperature Control:

            # storage for recording values
            C = np.ones([len(t), 5])
            C0 = [self.G0, self.O0, self.X0,self.V0,self.T0]
            self.ctrl_output = np.zeros(len(t)) # controller output
            e = np.zeros(len(t)) # error
            ie = np.zeros(len(t)) # integral of the error
            dpv = np.zeros(len(t)) # derivative of the pv
            P = np.zeros(len(t)) # proportional
            I = np.zeros(len(t)) # integral
            D = np.zeros(len(t)) # derivative

            for i in range(len(t)-1):

                #PID control of cooling water
                dt = t[i+1]-t[i]
                e[i] = C[i,4] - self.Tset
                if i >= 1:
                    dpv[i] = (C[i,4]-C[i-1,4])/dt
                    ie[i] = ie[i-1] + e[i] * dt



                if u>self.u_max:
                    ie[i] = ie[i] - e[i]*dt # anti-reset windup

                if u < self.u_min:
                    u =self.u_min
                    ie[i] = ie[i] - e[i]*dt # anti-reset windup


                if i > 0 and e[i] * e[i-1] < 0:
                  ie[i] = 0
                #time for solving ODE
                ts = [t[i],t[i+1]]

                #solve ODE from last timepoint to new timepoint with old values

                y =  odeint(self.rxn, C0, ts, rtol = 1e-7, mxstep= 500000, args=(u,))
                #update C0
                C0 = y[-1]
                #merge y to C

        return t, C

    #generate the plot of model variables

    def create_plot(self, t, C):
        G = C[:, 0]
        O = C[:, 1]
        B = C[:, 2]
        T = C[:, 4]
        df = pd.DataFrame({'t': t, 'Substrate': G, 'Biomass': B, 'Oxygen': O, 'Temperature' :T})
        fig = go.Figure()
        fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=df['t'], y=df['Substrate'], name='Substrate'))
        fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=df['t'], y=df['Biomass'], name='Biomass'))
        fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=df['t'], y=df['Oxygen'], name='Oxygen'))
        fig.update_layout(                          xaxis_title='time (h)',
                          yaxis_title='Concentration (g/L)')
        figT =go.Figure()
        figT.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=df['t'], y=df['Temperature'], name='Temperature'))
        figT.update_layout(xaxis_title='time (h)',
                          yaxis_title='Temperature (C)')

        return fig, figT

Extract results and make plots#

This portion of the code extracts the results from the Monod_Herbert class and creates the figures to display the simulation results.

model = Monod_Herbert() # Instantiate the Monod_Herbert class
t, C = model.solve() # Call the solve method to get the simulation results
fig = model.create_plot(t, C)[0] # Call create_plot with the simulation results
figT = model.create_plot(t, C)[1] # Call create_plot with the simulation results
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[3], line 2
      1 model = Monod_Herbert() # Instantiate the Monod_Herbert class
----> 2 t, C = model.solve() # Call the solve method to get the simulation results
      3 fig = model.create_plot(t, C)[0] # Call create_plot with the simulation results
      4 figT = model.create_plot(t, C)[1] # Call create_plot with the simulation results

Cell In[2], line 140, in Monod_Herbert.solve(self)
    138 def solve(self):
--> 140     t = np.linspace(self.t_start, self.t_end, self.steps) #generation of the time-points
    142     #solve if Control is OFF:
    143     if self.Control == False :

NameError: name 'np' is not defined

Using the model#

With this code you are able to test the behaviour of the process in a more simple case when we assume temperature is constant since the generation of metabolic heat is ignored. You can also turn ON the control option and evaluate the dymamics in Temperature. Furthermore, you can try to test different initila conditions, e.g., initial substrate concentrations (remember, these should be realistic values), and study the impact on the dynamics of Biomass.