Mechanistic model of S. cerevisiae utilizing ligocellulosis in batch fermentation

Mechanistic model of S. cerevisiae utilizing ligocellulosis in batch fermentation#

This model describes an S. cerevisiae fermentation in a batch reactor. It builds a stochiometric matrix to follow all conversions. The model accounts for the changes of Carbon sources, the development of biomass and ethonal over time.

Package import#

This portion of the code handles the import of all the relevant python packages.

from scipy.integrate import odeint
# Package for plotting
import math
# Package for the use of vectors and matrix
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import array as arr

from matplotlib.figure import Figure
import sys
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter
import glob
from random import sample
import random
import time
import plotly
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import json
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
ModuleNotFoundError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[1], line 1
----> 1 from scipy.integrate import odeint
      2 # Package for plotting
      3 import math

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'scipy'

Model definition#

The model is defined by using a class. This has several adavantages, one being that different classes can be defined independtly, e.g., one class represents the model definition while another will handle parameter optimization with experimental data. The same “optimization” class can be used with different model classes, so the code becomes more easily reusable.

The class Scerevisiae_Ligno includes several functions, each with a specific function.

  1. init This function initialises the model class by defining all the relavant parameters and initial conditions.

  2. rxn This function includes all the model equations. The model uses matrix notation to define the ODEs. In this part the all rates for different carbon sources are defined individually.

  3. solve This function generates the timesteps for solving the ODEs. Depending on the initial conditions that were set, the development of the observables is simulated.

  4. create_plot This function stores the results of the simulation on a dataframe which is used for plotting all relevant variables.

class SCerevisiae_Ligno:
  #initialize model
    def __init__(self, Control=False):
         # define value of model parameters
        self.nuMaxGlu = 2.348# h-1
        self.nuMaxXyl =  1.622 # h-1
        self.Ks_Glu = 0.565 # kg Glu m-3
        self.Ks_Xyl = 18.1 # kg Xyl m-3
        self.Ki_Glu = 283.7 # kg Glu m-3
        self.Ki_Xyl = 18.1 # kg Xyl m-3
        self.Ki_GluXyl = 10 # kg Glu m-3
        self.Y_XGlu = 0.115 # kg X/kg Glu
        self.Y_XXyl = 0.162  # kg X/kg Xyl
        self.Ki_EtOHmaxGlu = 103 # kg Glu m-3
        self.Ki_EtOHmaxXyl =  60.2 # kg Xyl m-3
        self.Y_EtOHGlu = 0.47# kg EtOH/kg Glu
        self.Y_EtOHXyl = 0.4 # kg EtOH/kg Xyl
        self.gammaG = 1.42 # no unit
        self.gammaX = 0.608 # no unit

        # Acetate parameters
        self.nuHAcMax = 0.04428 # h-1
        self.Ks_HAc = 2.5 # kg HAc m-3
        self.Ki_HAcGlu = 2.74 # kg HAc m-3
        self.Ki_HAcXyl = 0.073 # kg HAc m-3
        self.Y_HAcHMF = 0.234 # kg Ac/kg HMF

        # Furfural parameters
        self.nuFurMax = 0.16812 # h-1
        self.Ks_Fur =  0.05 # kg Furfural m-3
        self.Ki_FurGlu = 0.75 # kg Furfural m-3
        self.Ki_FurXyl = 0.35 # kg Furfural m-3
        self.Ki_FurHMF = 0.25 # kg Furfural m-3
        self.Y_FurFA = 1.02 # kg FA/kg Fur

        # Furfuryl alcohol parameters
        self.Ki_FAGlu = 5# kg FA m-3
        self.Ki_FAXyl = 6 # kg FA m-3

        # HMF parameters
        self.nuHMFMax = 0.31536 # h-1
        self.Ks_HMF = 0.5 # kg HMF m-3
        self.Ki_HMFGlu = 2 # kg HMF m-3
        self.Ki_HMFXyl = 10 # kg HMF m-3

        # Initial state variable
        self.X0 = 0.5  # g/L
        self.Glu0 = 40  # g/L
        self.Xyl0 = 20  # g/L
        self.EtOH0 = 0  # g/L
        self.Fur0 = 1  # g/L
        self.HAc0 = 1  # g/L
        self.HMF0 = 0.5  # g/L
        self.FA0 = 0  # g/L

        #t and V conditions
        self.t_end = 30
        self.t_start = 0
        self.V0 = 2
        self.T0 = 30

#define the stoichiometric matrix
    def rxn(self, C, t, u, fc):

        # number of components
        n = 8
        m = 5
        # initialize the stoichiometric matrix, s
        s = np.zeros((m, n))

        s[0, 0] = (self.Y_XGlu)
        s[1, 0] = (self.Y_XXyl)
        s[2, 0] = (0)
        s[3, 0] = (0)
        s[4, 0] = (0)

        s[0, 1] = (-1)
        s[1, 1] = (0)
        s[2, 1] = (0)
        s[3, 1] = (0)
        s[4, 1] = (0)

        s[0, 2] = (0)
        s[1, 2] = (-1)
        s[2, 2] = (0)
        s[3, 2] = (0)
        s[4, 2] = (0)

        s[0, 3] = (self.Y_EtOHGlu)
        s[1, 3] = (self.Y_EtOHXyl)
        s[2, 3] = (0)
        s[3, 3] = (0)
        s[4, 3] = (0)

        s[0, 4] = (0)
        s[1, 4] = (0)
        s[2, 4] = (-1)
        s[3, 4] = (0)
        s[4, 4] = (0)

        s[0, 5] = (0)
        s[1, 5] = (0)
        s[2, 5] = (0)
        s[3, 5] = (-1)
        s[4, 5] = (self.Y_HAcHMF)

        s[0, 6] = (0)
        s[1, 6] = (0)
        s[2, 6] = (0)
        s[3, 6] = (0)
        s[4, 6] = (-1)

        s[0, 7] = (0)
        s[1, 7] = (0)
        s[2, 7] = (self.Y_FurFA)
        s[3, 7] = (0)
        s[4, 7] = (0)

        # initialize the rate vector
        rho = np.zeros((m))

              # Glucose uptake process
        rho[0] = self.nuMaxGlu * C[0] * (C[1] / (self.Ks_Glu + C[1] + ((C[1] ** 2) / self.Ki_Glu)) *
                                           (1 - (C[3] / self.Ki_EtOHmaxGlu) ** self.gammaG) *
                                           (1 / (1 + (C[4] / self.Ki_FurGlu))) *
                                           (1 / (1 + (C[5] / self.Ki_HAcGlu))) *
                                           (1 / (1 + (C[6] / self.Ki_HMFGlu))) *
                                           (1 / (1 + (C[7] / self.Ki_FAGlu))))
        # Xylose uptake process
        rho[1] = self.nuMaxXyl * C[0] * (C[2] / (self.Ks_Xyl + C[2] + ((C[2] ** 2) / self.Ki_Xyl)) *
                                           (1 - (C[3] / self.Ki_EtOHmaxXyl) ** self.gammaX) *
                                           (1 / (1 + (C[4] / self.Ki_FurXyl))) *
                                           (1 / (1 + (C[5] / self.Ki_HAcXyl))) *
                                           (1 / (1 + (C[6] / self.Ki_HMFXyl))) *
                                           (1 / (1 + (C[7] / self.Ki_FAXyl))) *
                                           (1 / (1 + (C[1] / self.Ki_GluXyl))))
        # Fur uptake process
        rho[2] = self.nuFurMax * C[0] * (C[4] / (self.Ks_Fur + C[4]))
        # HAc uptake process
        rho[3] = self.nuHAcMax * C[0] * (C[5] / (self.Ks_HAc + C[5]))
        # HMF uptake process
        rho[4] = self.nuHMFMax * C[0] * (C[6] / (self.Ks_HMF + C[6])) * (1 / (1 + (C[4] / self.Ki_FurGlu)))

 #Solving the mass balances
        dXdt = s[0, 0] * rho[0] + s[1, 0] * rho[1] + s[2, 0] * rho[2] + s[3, 0] * rho[3] + s[4, 0] * rho[4]
        dGludt = s[0, 1] * rho[0] + s[1, 1] * rho[1] + s[2, 1] * rho[2] + s[3, 1] * rho[3] + s[4, 1] * rho[4]
        dXyldt = s[0, 2] * rho[0] + s[1, 2] * rho[1] + s[2, 2] * rho[2] + s[3, 2] * rho[3] + s[4, 2] * rho[4]
        dEtOHdt = s[0, 3] * rho[0] + s[1, 3] * rho[1] + s[2, 3] * rho[2] + s[3, 3] * rho[3] + s[4, 3] * rho[4]
        dFurdt = s[0, 4] * rho[0] + s[1, 4] * rho[1] + s[2, 4] * rho[2] + s[3, 4] * rho[3] + s[4, 4] * rho[4]
        dHAcdt = s[0, 5] * rho[0] + s[1, 5] * rho[1] + s[2, 5] * rho[2] + s[3, 5] * rho[3] + s[4, 5] * rho[4]
        dHMFdt = s[0, 6] * rho[0] + s[1, 6] * rho[1] + s[2, 6] * rho[2] + s[3, 6] * rho[3] + s[4, 6] * rho[4]
        dFAdt = s[0, 7] * rho[0] + s[1, 7] * rho[1] + s[2, 7] * rho[2] + s[3, 7] * rho[3] + s[4, 7] * rho[4]

        dTdt = 0

        return [dXdt, dGludt, dXyldt, dEtOHdt, dFurdt, dHAcdt, dHMFdt, dFAdt, dVdt, dTdt]
#solve the ODES
    def solve(self):

        t = np.linspace(0, 30) #generation of the time-points

        u = 0
        fc = 1
        C0 = [self.X0, self.Glu0, self.Xyl0, self.EtOH0, self.Fur0, self.HAc0, self.HMF0, self.FA0, self.V0, self.T0] #initial conditions vector
        C = odeint(self.rxn, C0, t, rtol=1e-7, mxstep=500000, args=(u, fc,)) #solve ODEs

        return t, C

   #generate the plot of model variables
    def create_plot(self, t, C):
        figure = make_subplots(rows=1, cols=2) #make figure with 2 subplots
        #assign simulation results to variable for plotting
        X = C[:, 0]
        Glu = C[:, 1]
        Xly = C[:, 2]
        EtOH = C[:, 3]
        Fur = C[:, 4]
        HAc = C[:, 5]
        HMF = C[:, 6]
        FA = C[:, 7]
        V = C[:, 8]

         #collect all variables to plot in 1st subplot in a dataframe
        df = pd.DataFrame({'t': t, 'Glu': Glu, 'X': X, 'Xly':Xly, 'EtOH': EtOH, 'Fur':Fur, 'HAc': HAc, 'HMF':HMF, 'FA':FA})
         #add the different traces to 1st subplot
        figure.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=df['t'], y=df['Glu'], name='Glucose'), row=1, col=1)
        figure.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=df['t'], y=df['X'], name='Biomass'), row=1, col=1)
        figure.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=df['t'], y=df['Xly'], name='Xylose'), row=1, col=1)
        figure.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=df['t'], y=df['EtOH'], name='Ethanol'), row=1, col=1)
        figure.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=df['t'], y=df['Fur'], name='Furfural'), row=1, col=1)
        figure.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=df['t'], y=df['HAc'], name='Acetic acid'), row=1, col=1)
        figure.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=df['t'], y=df['HMF'], name='HMF'), row=1, col=1)
        figure.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=df['t'], y=df['FA'], name='Furfuryl alcohol'), row=1, col=1)
         #add the title and axes labels
        figure.update_layout(title=('Simulation of the model for the Scerevisiae in fedbatch using lignocellulosic'),
                             xaxis_title='time (h)',
                             yaxis_title='Concentration (g/L)')
      #dataframe with varible to plot in 2nd subplot
        df2 = pd.DataFrame({'t': t, 'V':V})

         #add trace to the 2nd subplot
        figure.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=df2['t'], y=df2['V'], name='Volume'), row=1, col=2)

        return figure

Extract results and make plots#

This portion of the code extracts the results from the model class and creates the figures to display the simulation results.

model = SCerevisiae_Ligno() # Instantiate the SCerevisiae_Ligno class
t, C = model.solve() # Call the solve method to get the simulation results
fig = model.create_plot(t, C) # Call create_plot with the simulation results
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[3], line 2
      1 model = SCerevisiae_Ligno() # Instantiate the SCerevisiae_Ligno class
----> 2 t, C = model.solve() # Call the solve method to get the simulation results
      3 fig = model.create_plot(t, C) # Call create_plot with the simulation results

Cell In[2], line 166, in SCerevisiae_Ligno.solve(self)
    164 def solve(self):
--> 166     t = np.linspace(0, 30) #generation of the time-points
    168     u = 0
    169     fc = 1

NameError: name 'np' is not defined

Created on Thu Sep 6 13:34:32 2018

@author: simoca