Exercises about statements, assignments, lists and generators, control flow and packaging

Exercises about statements, assignments, lists and generators, control flow and packaging#

1. Statements#

Exercise: Print your favorite kind of enzyme. Hint: enzyme kind should be printed as a string.

Level: Easy.

# Your code here

Exercise: Sum 4 and 5 and divide the result by 2. Hint: don’t forget the parenthesis.

Level: Easy.

# Your code here

Exercise: Print your age as an integer.

Level: Easy.

# Your code here

Exercise: Print your age as a string.

Level: Medium.

# Your code here

Exercise: Calculate the square of 16, then divide the result by the square of 3. Only return 2 decimal points.

Level: Medium.

# Your code here

2. Assignments#

Exercise: Bind your favorite enzyme to a variable. Choose a descriptive name for your variable.

Level: Easy.

# Your code here

Exercise: Create a variable called total, which is the result of the following calculation:

  • your_birth_year * your_birth_day / your_birth_month - your_current_age

Level: Easy.

# Your code here

Exercise: Given the following variables, create two lists containing all possible combinations (sum) of the allowed pairs. Hint: Remember that you cannot add a string and an integer. Don’t do it manually, try to use a loop.

Level: Hard.

string_a = 'a'
string_b = 'b'
integer_1 = 1
integer_2 = 2
string_4 = '4'
float_1 = 1.0
float_2_5 = 2.5

Expected results, order does not matter:

  • list_a = [‘ab’, ‘a4’, ‘ba’, ‘b4’, ‘4a’, ‘4b’]

  • list_b = [3, 2.0, 3.5, 3, 3.0, 4.5, 3.0, 2.0, 3.5, 3.5, 4.5, 3.5]

# Your code here

*Possible solution in Notebook Exercise 2.ipynb

3. Lists and generators#

multiple_5 = [5, 10, 15, 20]

Exercise: Given multiple_5, create a list MANUALLY containing each element in multiple_5 summed by 2.

Level: Easy.

# Your code here

Exercise: Given multiple_5, create a list USING A FOR LOOP containing each element in multiple_5 summed by 2.

Level: Easy.

# Your code here

Exercise: Given multiple_5, create a list USING A LIST COMPREHENSION containing each element in multiple_5 summed by 2.

Level: Medium.

# Your code here

Exercise: Given multiple_5, create a generator containing each element in multiple_5 summed by 2.

Level: Easy.

# Your code here

4. Compound statements#

Exercise: Translate the following flow chart to check why the unit for the hydrodynamics condition in packed tower experiment is not working.

Level: Easy.


# Your code here

Exercise: Calculate the 10th element F10 in the Fibonacci sequence, where F0 = 0, F1 = 1 and Fn = (Fn-1) + (Fn -2) for n > 1.

Level: Medium.

# Your code here

5. Packaging#

Exercise: Write four functions for:

  • Summing two numbers

  • Subtracting two numbers

  • Multiplying two numbers

  • Dividing two numbers

Level: Easy

def plus(a, b):
    # Your code here

def minus(a, b):
    # Your code here

def multiply(a, b):
    # Your code here

def divide(a, b):
    # Your code here

Example: We compute 1 + 3 - 2

minus(plus(1, 3), 2)

Exercise: Use the functions implemented above to compute the following:

  • (((2 + 7) * 5) / 3) - 4

  • 6 / 3 * 6 - 1

  • 3 + 4 + 7 - 2 * 7 / 2

Level: Medium

# Your code here