Module 5#
Fed batch simulation#
E. coli fed-batch simulation Created on Thu Dec 10 12:14:22 2015
@author: Terrance Wilms, Nicolas Cruz, Kevin Stegemann, Rosa Haßfurther Updated Sept 2024
In this Python Script the ODE (Ordinary Differential Equation) of an Ecoli model is solved with the Python ODE Solver odeint.
# import packages
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.integrate import odeint
%matplotlib inline
#%matplotlib qt
ModuleNotFoundError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[1], line 3
1 # import packages
2 from __future__ import division
----> 3 import numpy as np
4 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
5 from scipy.integrate import odeint
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy'
# discretizing the time
dt = 0.01
# defining the initial time
t0 = 0
# defining the end-time
T = 8 #h
# generation of the time-points
t = np.linspace(t0, T, int(T/dt)+1)
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[2], line 11
8 T = 8 #h
10 # generation of the time-points
---> 11 t = np.linspace(t0, T, int(T/dt)+1)
NameError: name 'np' is not defined
# initial values at time 0
X0 = 0.0358 # Biomass [g/L]
S0 = 5 # Substrate [g/L]
DOT0 = 90 # Dissolved oxygen [%]
A0 = 0 # Acetate [g/L]
V0 = 0.0013 # Volume [L]
# process parameters
Feedstart = 6
Feedrate = 0.00001
Si = 200
Fout = 0
KLa = 600
# define initial condition and save it in the y
y0 = [X0, S0, DOT0, A0, V0]
# define the function
def eColi(y, t):
X = y[0]
S = y[1]
DOT = y[2]
A = y[3]
V = y[4]
# process parameters
if t < Feedstart:
F1 = 0
F1 = Feedrate
# parameters describing the characteristics of the strain
qAmax = 1 # max Acetate consumption rate [g/g*h]
Kaq = 0.01 # affinity constant Acetate consumption [g/L]
Ksq = 0.1 # affinity constnat Substrate consumption [g/L]
Yam = 0.2 # yield acetate maintenance [g/g]
Yaresp = 0.2 # yield acetate respiratory [g/g]
Yem = 0.56 # yield excluding maintance [g/g]
qSmax = 1.4 # max glucose uptake rate [g/g*h]
Ks = 0.05 # affinity constant glucose consumption[g/L]
qm = 0.04 # specific maintenance coefficient[g/g*h]
Ko = 1 # Affinity constant, oxygen consumption [g/L]
Yosresp = 1.217 # yield from S to X, respiratory [g/g]
pAmax = 1 # max Acetate production rate [g/g*h]
Kap = 10 # affinity constant intracellular acetate production[g/L]
Yaof = 1 # aceate yield in overflow[g/g]
Yofm = Yem # [g/g]
# physicochemical constants
Cs = 0.391 # ratio of substrate per C in [gC/gS]
Cx = 0.488 # ratio of biomass per C in [gC/gX]
H = 14000 # conversion factor
DOTstar = 90
# algebraic variables
qS = qSmax * S / (S + Ks) * DOT / (DOT + Ko) # substrate uptake
qSof = pAmax * qS / ( qS + Kap ) / Yaof # overflow substrate conversion
pA = pAmax * qS / (qS + Kap) # production of acetate
qSox = qS - qSof # substrate uptake excluding overflow
qSan =(qSox - qm) * Yem * Cx / Cs # anabolic substrate consumption
qsA = qAmax * A / (A + Kaq) * (Ksq / (Ksq + qS)) # acetate consumption
qA = pA - qsA # total acetate equilibrium
qO = Yosresp * (qSox - qSan) + qsA * Yaresp # oxygen uptake
# growht rate equation
my =(qSox - qm) * Yem + qsA * Yam + qSof * Yofm
# differential equation system
dXdt = -F1 / V * X + my * X # biomass growth
dSdt = -F1 / V * S - qS * X + F1 / V * Si # substrate evolution
dDOTdt = KLa * (DOTstar - DOT) - qO * X * H # oxygen dynamics
dAdt = qA * X - F1 / V * A # aetate evolution
dVdt = (F1 - Fout) # volume change
#the solution of odeint is formulated as a system of an ODE
dydt = [dXdt, dSdt, dDOTdt, dAdt, dVdt]
return dydt
# calling the numerical solver to approximate the integral of the differential equation system
y = odeint(eColi, y0, t)
# checking critical variables
print('max biomass =', max(y[:,[0]]))
print('min DOT =', min(y[:,[2]]))
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[5], line 2
1 # calling the numerical solver to approximate the integral of the differential equation system
----> 2 y = odeint(eColi, y0, t)
4 # checking critical variables
5 print('max biomass =', max(y[:,[0]]))
NameError: name 'odeint' is not defined
plt.title('eColi Model')
#biomass and glucose
plt.subplot(4, 1, 1)
plt.plot(t,y[:,[0]], label = 'Biomass [g/L]')
plt.plot(t,y[:,[1]], label = 'Substrate [g/L]')
plt.yticks(np.arange(0, 10, 1))
plt.xticks(np.arange(0, T + 1, 1))
legend = plt.legend(loc='upper left', shadow=True, prop={'size':12})
# acetate
plt.subplot(4, 1, 2)
plt.plot(t,y[:,[3]], label = 'acetic acid [g/L]')
plt.yticks(np.arange(0, 1, 0.1))
plt.xticks(np.arange(0, T + 1, 1))
legend = plt.legend(loc='upper left', shadow=True, prop={'size':12})
# Dissolved Oxygen Tension
plt.subplot(4, 1, 3)
plt.plot(t,y[:,[2]], label = 'DOT [%]')
plt.plot([t[0], t[-1]],[20, 20], label = 'critical DOT [%]')
plt.yticks(np.arange(0, 100, 10))
plt.xticks(np.arange(0, T + 1, 1))
legend = plt.legend(loc='upper left', shadow=True, prop={'size':12})
# Volume
plt.subplot(4, 1, 4)
plt.plot(t,y[:,[4]], label = 'V [L]')
plt.xticks(np.arange(0, T + 1, 1))
legend = plt.legend(loc='upper left', shadow=True, prop={'size':12})
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[6], line 1
----> 1 plt.figure(figsize=(15,20))
2 plt.title('eColi Model')
3 #biomass and glucose
NameError: name 'plt' is not defined
answer the following questions with simulations
“optimize” initial value of glucose, starting time of the feedrate, and feedrate to maximize the biomass concentration after 8 hours without DOT dropping below 20%
can you propose a solution that automatically starts the feed when glucose is depleted based on the DOT signal?
which other process parameter could we change to get an even higher biomass?
which of the parameters describing the characteristics of the strain has the highest influence on the final biomass obtained at fixed cultivation time?